Thursday, April 5, 2012

Into the Sphere

Don't you LOVE it when God has those neon signs over people that say "Hey, talk to this person. They are ready to accept Christ! They are ready to pray right now"

I wish! This does not happen...for one that would be one really big sign. Two, God wants us to be able to influence everybody, plant the seed, God will water it.

"I believe that God holds you responsible for everyone He brings into your sphere of influence..." -Oscar Thompson

I love this quote. I truly believe that we are an influence to all around us. I know my co-workers don't like to admit it...Regina...but I give them a hard time sometimes. Not in a mean way but in a friendly way. I believe that the way we act and talk is a reflection on our lives. Who is around you and what do they see?

"Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35)

No, Jesus was not talking about a harvest of grain, wheat, or rice. He was talking about his people. He was talking about people that need the Lord. They are the grain that need to be harvested and brought before God. The only way for people to see God who don't know God is through His people. Are you a good reflection of the God you serve?

For me, I know that I am not always the best person to give advice on being a witness, I am even afraid of my Evangelism class assignment of sitting down with somebody and witnessing to them with the gospel. I have never done that before without prior commitment. I am afraid. But we need people to know that the God we serve is a righteous, loving God. All they ever hear about through the media is hateful spews, nutty so called Christians picketing soldiers funerals, or Assinate this person or that person. We need to show the true love of Christ through our actions and be a mirror of Jesus. When people look at us, they should see Jesus...not James, not Amanda, not Whatever your name is.

"It's so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn't it?" - L.M. Montgomery

My challenge to you is to know you are wicked, change the way people see you. Change your appearance to a reflection of the one who saved you...Jesus Christ.


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